Dark Justice

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 Dark Justice

I used to travel to offices around the East Coast and during one of my trips, I could only receive one radio station. A country-western song was playing and it talked about an abused wife who finally had reached her limit. I started to wonder about what would it take to push someone over the edge…so to speak. Abuse takes on many forms and in this mystery novel with the help of my sister’s advice, I explored the dark realms that happen too often in our society. My research led me to the conclusion that there are no social barriers as this happens in all walks of life: no race, no financial, no religious, no location, and no particular age bracket.

Jadyn Martyn experiences abuse in her family relationships and in her workplace. Unlike others in her family, Jadyn commits the ultimate revenge in this modern-day thriller. Dark Justice demonstrates the cause and effect of abuse as it invades our lives and reveals a dark truth within our society. It may lead you down a path that will make you question how you look at right and wrong.  After all, would you cheer for a murderer? 

“I felt the book gave an insightful view into the slow and insidious nature that can occur with abuse. The ‘mind thought’ of both abuser, and the person being abused, was interesting to delve into. The cat’s presence in the book was a wonderful addition. The relationship between cat and owner, its progression – very enjoyable.” Ruth B.